Location name: |
Business zone Ramići-Banja Luka |
Cadastral number: |
1283/1; 1283/8 k.o. Ramići / 1283/1; 1283/8 cadastral municipality Ramići |
Land area: |
59.855 m2 |
Building area: |
30413 m2 |
Location description: |
The mentioned construction plot is located next to the newly built road (axis 2) and access is from the same. The plot is equipped with the necessary infrastructure, which means fecal, precipitation, electricity, and telecommunications sewerage. It is planned for sale to interested investors, for the construction of production facilities. |
Address: |
Ramićka ulica |
Place: |
Banja Luka |
Zip Code: |
Municipality: |
Private property: |
State property: |
100% |
Other property: |
Property type: |
državna / state property |
Transfer of rights: |
Purchase |
The price: |
Note: |
Cijena zemljišta i objekta biće utvrđena procjenom tržišne vrijednosti od strane ovlaštenog sudskog procjenitelja i biti predmet prodaje putem usmenog nadmetanja. / The price of the land and the building will be determined by an appraisal of the market value by a certified court appraiser and will be subject to sale through oral public bidding. |
Transfer type: |
licitacija - usmeno nadmetanje / auction - oral bidding |
Purpose: |
Building land |
Predominant purpose: |
za izgradnju proizvodnih objekata / for the construction of production facilities |
Brought to purpose: |
da / yes |
Free zone: |
no |
Industrial zone: |
yes |
Plan basis: |
Regulacioni plan Poslovne zone / Regulatory plan business zone |
Note: |
Floors allowed: |
P i utvrđeno po UT uslovima / P and determined by UT conditions |
Permitted occupancy rate: |
80% |
Building permit: |
Proizvodna hala posjeduje građevinsku dozvolu. / The production hall has a building permit . |
Note: |
građevinska dozvola dobijena za proizvodnju hladno-valjane trake / building permit obtained for the production of cold-rolled strip |
Use permit: |
Proizvodna hala ima upotrebnu dozvolu za navedenu namjenu. / The production hall has a use permit for the stated purpose. |
Note: |
Registered in the cadastre: |
da / yes |
Note: |
Electricity: |
yes |
Total power (kVA): |
6.300 kVA |
High voltage (kV): |
Medium voltage (kV): |
20.00kV |
Low voltage (V): |
220, 380 |
Distance of the nearest power station (m): |
Note: |
postojeći transformatori neispitani / existing transformers untested |
Water: |
yes |
Pressure (bar): |
Distance of the nearest connection station (m): |
Note: |
Compressed air: |
no |
Pressure (bar): |
Note: |
Gas connection: |
no |
Pressure (bar): |
Distance of the nearest connection station (m): |
Note: |
Heating: |
no |
Heating type: |
Note: |
Internet connection: |
yes |
Connection type and speed: |
Note: |
Phone: |
yes |
Note: |
postoji mogućnost priključenja / there is a possibility of connection |
Sewage: |
yes |
Note: |
Access roads: |
yes |
Note: |
Other: |
Parcela 1 / Plot 1Building landnamijenjena za izgradnju proizvodnih objekata / ... |
8978 |
Parcela 2 / Plot 2Building landzemljište uz i ispod privrednog objekta, (objeka... |
50877 |
Proizvodna halaproizvodna hala izgrađena za proizvodnju hladno ... |
30413 |
