Location name: |
Bussines zone Lipova Greda |
Cadastral number: |
nepoznat / unknown |
Land area: |
69.00 ha |
Building area: |
Location description: |
By the decision of the Municipal Assembly of Kozarska Dubica no: 02-013-113 / 09 from 09.07.2009. The business zone Lipova Greda was formed on the 1st of the 19th century, with a total area of 69 ha and consisting of two parts, the northern part of 46 ha and the southern part of 23 ha, which is divided by the main road Gradiska - Koz.Dubica. By the decision on the transfer of the right to dispose of real estate from 29.10.2009. (Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, No. 91/09) The Government of the Republic of Srpska ceded free of charge land of 1.5 million BAM to the municipality of Kozarska Dubica to build the Business Zone Lipova Greda. The business zone was formed to solve the problem of unemployment, creating new jobs, starting economic activities, and attracting foreign investments. The construction of the business zone is planned in two phases, which would include the first phase, namely the southern-smaller part of the zone of 21 ha and the second phase, which would include the arrangement of the northern-larger part of the zone of 48 ha. 50% of the planned road network of the first phase of the zone without an asphalt curtain has been built. One 1000KW transformer station was installed in the first phase of the zone. A water supply network was built for 50% of the area of the first phase of the zone. and a two-pipe (fecal and precipitation) sewerage network for 50% of the first phase of the zone. It is possible to connect to the telecom optical cable system. On the determined price of land of 9 BAM / m2, the Municipality of Kozarska Dubica can give a discount to investors upon entering the Business Zone, as follows: Rb. Type of discount Amount of discount in% 1. according to the number of newly employed workers 1.1. the number of newly employed workers from 10 to 20 40 1.2. the number of newly employed workers from 21 to 30 50 1.3 number of newly employed workers from 31 to 50 60 1.4. several newly employed workers over 50 70 2. by type of activity 2.1. an investor who intends to start a plant for processing agricultural products or a production plant of any kind 30 The final purchase price of construction land will be determined by reducing the offered price to the investor - the most favorable bidder by the approved cumulative amount of the above discounts. the discount cannot be higher than 99%. Exceptionally, in case the investor intends to start a plant for processing agricultural products that will hire local agricultural producers on a subcontracting basis, he can be given a discount of up to 70% on the determined price of the land. If the investor meets any of the criteria for discounts, the cumulative amount of the discount granted to him may not exceed 99%. |
Address: |
Draksenić bb |
Place: |
Zip Code: |
Municipality: |
Private property: |
State property: |
100% |
Other property: |
Property type: |
državna / state property |
Transfer of rights: |
Purchase |
The price: |
9 KM / ca. 4.5 € |
Note: |
Opština Kozarska Dubica daje popust do 99% na cijenu zemljišta zavisno o ispunjavanju uslova propisanih Odlukom o podsticajima. / The Municipality of Kozarska Dubica gives a discount of up to 99% on the price of land depending on the fulfillment of the conditions prescribed by the Decision on Incentives. |
Transfer type: |
Javna licitacija / Public auction |
Purpose: |
Building land |
Predominant purpose: |
Brought to purpose: |
da / yes |
Free zone: |
no |
Industrial zone: |
yes |
Plan basis: |
Regulacioni plan / Regulatory plan |
Note: |
Floors allowed: |
Fleksibilno u zavisnosti od namjene i planova investitora. / Flexible depending on the purpose and plans of the investor. |
Permitted occupancy rate: |
U skladu sa regulacionim planom / In accordance with the regulatory plan |
Building permit: |
Note: |
Use permit: |
Note: |
Registered in the cadastre: |
Note: |
Electricity: |
yes |
Total power (kVA): |
1000 |
High voltage (kV): |
Medium voltage (kV): |
20KV |
Low voltage (V): |
Distance of the nearest power station (m): |
Note: |
Moguće proširenje do 5 MW / Possible extension of up to 5 MW |
Water: |
yes |
Pressure (bar): |
Distance of the nearest connection station (m): |
Note: |
Compressed air: |
no |
Pressure (bar): |
Note: |
Gas connection: |
no |
Pressure (bar): |
Distance of the nearest connection station (m): |
Note: |
Heating: |
no |
Heating type: |
Note: |
Internet connection: |
yes |
Connection type and speed: |
Optička mreža / Broadband optical network |
Note: |
Phone: |
yes |
Note: |
Sewage: |
yes |
Note: |
Access roads: |
yes |
Note: |
Other: |
Building landBlok koji čine više katastarskih čestica / The b... |
210000 |
Building landBlok više katastarskih čestica / The block consi... |
480000 |
